From Neovim to Doom Emacs: Discovering the Power of org-mode and org-roam

As a tech enthusiast and software developer, I'm always on the lookout for new tools and technologies that can help me become more productive and efficient in my work. Recently, I made the switch from Neovim to Doom Emacs, and I have to say, I've been blown away by what I've found.

For those not familiar, Vim and Emacs are both powerful text editors that have been around for decades. Vim is known for its speed and simplicity, while Emacs is known for its flexibility and extensibility. There's a never-ending debate about which one is better, and I've seen my fair share of internet memes about it.

But with Doom Emacs, I get the best of both worlds. I get the speed and simplicity of Vim, along with the flexibility and customisation of Emacs. It's been a bit of a learning curve, but it's been well worth it.

One of the things that have really impressed me about Emacs is its integration with org-mode. Org-mode is a powerful tool that enables you to create and manage notes, to-do lists, and projects all in one place. It's incredibly flexible and customisable, and can be used for everything from writing articles to managing your personal life.

But what sets org-mode apart is org-roam, a package that adds a graph database to org-mode. With org-roam, you can easily create links between your notes and connect them to a network of ideas. This allows you to navigate your notes quickly, find related information, and build new insights.

I've been using org-mode and org-roam for a few weeks now, and it's completely transformed the way I work. I no longer have to keep track of notes and to-do lists in multiple places, and everything is in one centralised location. And with org-roam, I can quickly find related information and make connections between my notes.

In fact, I'm so impressed with org-mode and org-roam that I've decided to start using it for all my writing and note-taking needs. This means that my future blog posts will mostly be scheduled and written using org-mode.

Now, I know that switching from Neovim to Doom Emacs might not be for everyone. But if you're looking for a powerful and flexible tool to help you manage your notes and ideas, I highly recommend checking out Doom Emacs and giving org-mode a try. Who knows, it might just change the way you work too!

In conclusion, as someone who's always looking to improve their workflow, making the switch to Doom Emacs and discovering org-mode and org-roam has been a game-changer for me. I'm excited to see where this new journey takes me, and I can't wait to share my experiences with you in future blog posts written with org-mode.